Five Types of Content Marketing that Don’t Involve Blogging

When you hear the phrase ‘content marketing’ most people will immediately think of the written word. Blogging for business has become pretty huge, but for some people it falls wide of the mark. Lots of people are turned off by the idea of reading lots of text, or you may simply not have the time or skills for crafting well-written blog content. If that sounds like you, read on for five suggestions of content you can create without hitting the keyboard:


If you’re not much of a writer but could talk the hind legs off of a donkey, then podcasting could be an amazing option for you. Plenty of our clients can talk at length about their products and services, but putting pen to paper leaves them in a cold sweat. There are lots of ways to create dynamic content through podcasting and it could be the perfect way to promote your business.


There are a LOT of different platforms for creating and posting videos now, so even if you don’t fancy sitting in front of a camera for ages and chatting into the lens, there are still plenty of options. Snapchat, Insta Stories and Facebook Stories are all ways to create short-form video which is still engaging and very shareable.


Infographics can be a fabulous way to share a lot of information in one small space – we should know; we post one every week! Once you’ve created your infographic (we find sites like Canva are very useful for this), you then have content that you can share across all of your social media channels, giving you added value for your effort.


Memes may not seem very businesslike, but they’re actually very customisable, very shareable and will give your social media feeds an element of humour and personality. We aren’t suggesting you share memes on a daily basis because that has the potential to seem unprofessional, but if something is relevant and suitable for your audience, memes can be a great way to fill a spot with minimal effort.

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Have you got a unique story or selling point? Was your business borne out of an unusual situation? Is there something interesting about you that other people would want to read about? Local journalists and small business bloggers are often on the lookout for things that they can write about and offering yourself for interviews or interest pieces could give your small business a big (and free!) advertising boost. We highly recommend having a press release written and sending it around to all of the local papers and websites.

Bonus Idea:

Email marketing is a time-efficient way to send information to a lot of people at once – to find out how to maximise your email marketing with Mailchimp, take a look at our one-to-one workshops.


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